Baldur’s Gate 2 characters are inspired by Final Fantasy 7

Praised for its story, characters, and high-quality fantasy narrative, it is a 2000 RPG from BioWare. Baldur’s Gate II It is one of the most famous computer games of all time. Adaptation of a tabletop role-playing game Dungeons and DragonsIt aspired to digitize the rich experience of playing at the table between friends, dice, and character cards at hand. But while D&D Often a source of inspiration for deep narrative and rich characters, it turns out that a late-’90s JRPG’s cast of misfit eco-rebels provided the inspiration for the take BG2Characters to the next level.

In a recent interview with James Olin, BG2said Square’s writing director Final Fantasy VII It served as inspiration for the characters of his now famous game. The experience, as he describes it, sounds somewhat scary, but it sparked his competitive nature.

Read more: Let us muse: a slow translation of Final Fantasy VII

“I went and played Final Fantasy VII“,” Olin said Rock paper gunAnd he was like, “Oh my God, these characters make our characters look like a bunch of cardboard cutouts.” Ohlen was encouraged to check out Square’s generation-defining PlayStation exclusive game after hearing about it from a producer at Interplay and was immediately struck by the depth of the characters.

To everyone who played the original Thirty-seventhThis is perhaps not surprising. Despite the lackluster translation here in the West and the dialogue being nothing more than short sentences in little blue boxes, Thirty-seventhThe film’s protagonists are a group of troubled people who struggle under the weight of a complex global history and are forced to navigate delicate interpersonal relationships. It may be a story about super soldiers, magical orbs, and a dying planet, but… Thirty-seventhThe film’s characters often deal with relatable human emotions such as regret, loss, and love.

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In the same interview, Olin cited his “20,000 hours of dungeon mastering” as the primary basis for his work in video games. He ran several gaming groups while working at a comic shop. “I didn’t have much of a life outside the home Dungeons and Dragons,” Tell Rock paper gun.

The rest of the interview will be a great read if you’re interested in the inner workings of some of BioWare’s classic titles, which includes some tidbits about how Ohlen was “actually completely, completely screwed” The Empire strikes back“When writing the story for Knights of the Old Republic.

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