Austria: 10 killed in avalanche

According to the forecast service, there was a high avalanche risk in the region.

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UDozens of winter sports enthusiasts were buried in an avalanche in Austria on Sunday, in the Vorlberg region (west), police said.

“One person has been rescued, while the operation to find the others continues,” a spokesman told AFP, without giving further details on their fate.

Multiple search teams were deployed along with helicopters and dogs. The avalanche hit the Lech Zürz ski area at 2,700 meters above sea level around 3pm local time. No details have been released on the identity of the victims.

Rescuers have warned against the risk of avalanches in the region and in neighboring Tyrol this weekend, pointing to the weakening of the snowpack against a backdrop of milder weather.

In recent years, in Austria, avalanches have caused an average of twenty deaths per year.

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