“An XXL Mistake”: Did Gerald Dorman's Tweet Compromise Police Intervention?

This was the controversy of the day among our French neighbors. The target of the attacks? of Home Secretary Gerald Dorman. The latter was accused of too quickly announcing an anti-drug operation in Strasbourg on his social networks. All the profits go to the smugglers, some argue.

It all started with a tweet issued by the minister just after 8am this Tuesday. In it, Dharmanin declares: “Early this morning, 3 new 'Place Net XXL' anti-drug operations were launched in Toulouse, Strasbourg and Nantes: dozens of legal arrests will be made. Our determination to fight drugs, their networks and their dirty money is far from defeatist rhetoric.

But the newspaper reports liberation, Gérald Darmanin may have “damaged” this important move by prematurely announcing it. In fact, according to our colleagues, the province of Bas-Rhin informed Strasbourg that the move should only take place on Wednesday. Or the next day! The prefecture eventually changed its statements to “stick” more closely to the minister's version, noting that the operation would last three weeks. “No hiccups”20 minutes announced to the media Jean-Baptiste Peyrat, chief of staff of the directorate of the department. “We started well yesterday (Tuesday), but with other types of activities. Place Net XXL is not only a large-scale series of activities, but may have more goals.

On the part of the Ministry of Home Affairs, we have responded to the dispute and affirmed accordingly BFM Alsace The operation was scheduled to begin on Tuesday, but the provincial council did not want to contact those arrested until further prosecution.

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Many reviews

Apparently, at the political level, more precisely on the opposition side, the scandal was enough to cry foul. LFI Member of Parliament Emmanuel Fernandez is a “XXL is wrong”. “Distributors will have time to clean up their act. A serious and humiliating contradiction of a minister”, he added. Environment Deputy (EELV) Sandra Recole for her part: “It is the home ministry's way of notifying dealers a day in advance of 'place net' operations. What a professional”

Note that it wasn't just the politician who saw red following this somewhat clumsy connection. Some police unions also expressed shock. “Colleagues were outraged by the announcement, as it could destroy the work they had been working on for weeks.SGP Police FO Division Deputy Secretary Xavier Dubin expressed regret.

According to 20 minutes, Gérald Darmanin's announcement led to a completely unusual arrest this Wednesday. A well-prepared suspect would have quietly waited for the police in his home and held the door open for them so they wouldn't break it down.

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