Alexei Navalny's Death: Trump Finally Out of Silence

The front-runner in the Republican primaries ahead of November's presidential election has not said or written a word about Navalny's death in an Arctic prison, announced Friday, or about Moscow or the Kremlin.

In a message posted on his Truth social network on Monday, Donald Trump wrote: “Alexei Navalny's sudden death has made me more aware of what is happening in our country.”

“It's a slow and steady progression that is leading us down the path of destruction through crooked politicians, lawyers and far-left judges,” the businessman and political tribunal attacked, without mentioning the Russian president.

He attacked the administration of President Biden, who succeeded him in January 2021.

“Open borders, rigged elections and dishonest court decisions are destroying America. We are a declining and failing nation. MAGA 2024,” Donald Trump concluded, capitalizing on his favorite campaign slogans.

Nikki Haley, her only challenger in the Republican primaries, opined on ABC television Sunday that “she's not saying anything about Navalny (shows) he thinks it's better to be with Putin, “he's either killing his political opponents or he doesn't think it's a big deal.”

Navalny's death, which the Kremlin is keeping quiet about, sparked a wave of outrage from the West, with President Joe Biden saying his Russian counterpart was “responsible”.

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