After Macron and Mitterrand, Joe Biden makes a new mistake

After confusing Emmanuel Macron with François Mitterrand, Joe Biden did it again. This time, the US president referred to a conversation he had in 2021 with former German chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died in 2017.

The US president, who attended a fundraiser in New York, spoke about attending the G7 summit in the United Kingdom in June 2021 after the Capitol was stormed by supporters of former President Donald Trump, just months after taking office. Trump.

Emmanuel Macron renamed “President Mitterrand of Germany”: Joe Biden makes a big mistake during a speech (VIDEO)

Biden brings Helmut Kohl to life

“Helmud Kohl, a German, looked at me and said, 'Mr. President, what would you say if you opened the British Times tomorrow and read about 1,000 men walking into the British Parliament and killing people. Will the Prime Minister take office?'” Joe Biden announced, according to remarks transcribed by reporters accompanying him.

This type of meeting is not filmed or recorded, but the press may take notes.

Helmut Kohl, German chancellor between 1982 and 1998, died in 2017. Angela Merkel attended the summit as a representative of Germany.

In a speech on Friday in Las Vegas, Joe Biden had already mentioned this G7 meeting, this time referring to former French President François Mitterrand, who died almost thirty years ago, and not his current counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, who participated there.

His age and his mistakes are worrying

The US president often refers to this international summit, where, according to him, international leaders expressed their concern for American democracy.

According to polls, Joe Biden's age, familiarity with gaffes or sensationalism is a major concern among voters.

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Polls show Donald Trump, 77, is less than likely to run for president in November.

But the former Republican president also has his troubled moments. In January, in a speech, he confused his rival for the Republican nomination, Nikki Haley, with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.

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