A mother and her four children were found dead in Meaux: the father was arrested, he had already stabbed his wife in 2019

A father suspected of killing four children aged nine months to 10 years and a mother at their home in Meaux, Seine-et-Marne, on Monday evening was arrested in the neighboring department of the Seine on Tuesday morning. -Saint- Denis, in Chevron, we learned from a police source.

Another police source said the man was already known for domestic violence and mental disorders.

Meeks' prosecutor said he had already stabbed his wife in the shoulder in 2019.

The procedure was rejected on the grounds of a defective mental state, Jean-Baptiste Blatier said during his press conference. A 33-year-old French national who has been under observation for depression and psychotic disorders since 2017, an expert report certified the presence of rationality among the accused.

Children aged 9 months, 4, 7 and 10 years

Christmas Day,”At around 9:00 p.m., the bodies of five people were found in an apartment located in Meaux after relatives alerted them to no response from the residents of the complex.“, Meaux's public prosecutor Jean-Baptiste Blatier said in a press release.

It is about a mother and her children aged nine months, four years, seven and 10 years.

The apartment showed no signs of being broken into and the father of the family was not“, the lawyer added.

A source close to the case said the 35-year-old mother and her children were stabbed to death. According to this source, the father is 33 years old.

The investigation opened for “premeditated murders” was handed over to the regional judicial police directorate of Versailles.

A series of infanticides

Recent news has been marked by two to three infanticides by fathers in the Paris region.

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At the end of November, a 41-year-old man, already convicted of domestic violence, went to the police station to confess to murdering his three daughters, aged four to 11, in Alfortville (Val-de-Marne). He mentioned a conflict situation with his ex-partner over child custody.

A month earlier, in October, a gendarme killed his three daughters and committed suicide at his home in Vémars, Val-d'Oise. The facts also took place in a “complicated family environment,” according to the Pontois public prosecutor's office.

On average, a woman is murdered every three days in France: last year 118 women were killed by their spouses or ex-spouses. These tragedies often occur in an isolated environment.

In total, 244,300 victims of domestic violence, the majority of whom were women, were identified by the police, a 15% increase compared to 2021, interpreted by associations as a sign of better consideration of their words.

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