In Taiwan, Nikki Haley Speaks Out Against Isolationism, Expresses Support for Trump

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — The former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Nikki Haley US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a visit to Taiwan on Saturday that isolationism was “not healthy” and called on the Republican Party to stand with its allies, while still having kind words for the party’s nominee Donald Trump.

Haley, who ran against Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, told reporters in the capital, Taipei, that the support of U.S. allies, including Ukraine and Israel, was vital. She stressed the importance of bringing Taiwan, which Beijing claims as part of its territory, under control by force if necessary.

“I don’t think isolationism is healthy,” she said. “I think America can never remain isolated and think it will not be affected.”

Although the United States does not officially recognize Taiwan, it is the island’s strongest backer and main arms supplier. However, Trump’s bid to regain the presidency has raised concerns. He said Taiwan You should pay for American protection. In an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek published in July, he dodged the question of whether he would defend Al Jazeera against Possible Chinese military action.

When Haley dropped her bid for the Republican nomination, she was not Instant endorsement Trump, after Accuse him from fomenting chaos and ignoring the importance of American alliances abroad. But in May, she said, She will vote. For him, while she made clear that she felt her former boss had work to do to win back the voters who supported her.

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On Saturday, she spoke in favor of Trump. Having previously worked with the Trump administration, she said, “we have shown American power in the world,” pointing to their pushback against China and sanctions on Russia and North Korea, among other efforts.

“I think all of that strength that we’ve shown is why we haven’t had any wars, we haven’t had any invasions, we haven’t had any damage done during that time. And I think Donald Trump will bring that back,” she added.

Trump has claimed that if elected, he will end the conflict in Ukraine before his inauguration in January. But Russia’s U.N. ambassador He said he couldn’t.Trump’s public comments have ranged from criticizing and supporting U.S. support for Ukraine’s defense, while accusing him of Vice Presidential Candidate, Senator J.D. VanceHe was a leader of the Republican Party. Efforts to prevent what was spent in billions In US military and financial aid to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in 2022.

Fears have grown among Ukraine and its supporters that the country could lose vital US support as Trump’s campaign has surged.

Haley criticized Trump’s rival, US Vice President Kamala Harris, saying she would do “exactly” what President Joe Biden did. She said Harris was part of his administration when The Taliban took over Afghanistan. In 2021, when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 And when Hamas-Israel war It broke out last year.

“She was in the Situation Room right next to Joe Biden,” she said. “She was there making the exact same decisions. Those decisions made the world less safe.”

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While Republicans and Democrats may not agree on much right now, they do agree on “China’s threats,” Haley added, adding that Taiwan is now looking to “make sure that if China starts a fight with them, they are prepared to make sure they can respond.”

She said her party must stand with the country’s allies and ensure that the United States projects its strength around the world. She also said that any authoritarian regime and “communists” who harm or hurt other free nations should be a personal matter for the United States.

“We don’t want to see communist China win. We don’t want to see Russia win. We don’t want to see Iran or North Korea win,” she added.

Haley met with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen during her trip this week, calling for greater cooperation. International support For the sake of the self-governing island, a coordinated response to China’s claims to it is needed, and for Taiwan to become a full member of the United Nations.

Taiwan’s defense ministry said Saturday that 38 Chinese warplanes and 12 ships were spotted around the island over a 24-hour period from Friday morning. Thirty-two aircraft crossed the median line of the Taiwan Strait, an unofficial border that serves as a buffer zone between the island and the mainland.

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