Kamala Harris celebrates Joe Biden’s achievement “unparalleled in modern American history”.

Donald Trump Accuses Joe Biden in Real Community: ‘He’s Unfit to Run for President’

Donald Trump posted on Truth Social, the social network he created in 2021, a scathing attack on Joe Biden after his resignation announcement:

“Joe Biden is corrupt and unfit to run for President, he is certainly not fit to serve, never has been!”Former President of the United States writes. He rose to the presidency only through lies, fake news, and not leaving the base. ยป “Everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew he couldn’t be president, and he wasn’t”He thinks he knows.

“Now look at what he has done to our country, millions of people crossing our borders, completely unchecked and unchecked, many prisons, mental institutions and registered terrorists.”He continues.

And to conclude: “We will suffer greatly from his presidency, but we will repair the damage he has done very quickly. Make America great again!”

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