RN Jean-Marie Le Pen “not present” during hearing on European Parliament assistants case

96-year-old Jean-Marie Le Pen’s health has deteriorated and she is unfit to appear at a hearing in the case of European Parliament aides of the National Rally (RN) at the end of September, it was announced on Wednesday. July 3, Paris Judicial Court.

All parties agreed that there was no co-founder of the far-right party “in condition” to attend this hearing but the decision will be formalized at the commencement of the hearing on 30th September.

Court-appointed experts examined Mr Le Pen at his home on June 19 “A Deep Slump” His physical and psychological condition, the head of the 11 saide Criminal Division of the Court. “There is physical and especially psychological change” The former presidential candidate, experts observed, does “inappropriate” His appearance in court.

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“No awareness of purpose of hearing”

Mr. Le Pen cannot “Concentrate for more than a few minutes”Medical experts noted. “He had no awareness of the purpose, meaning and purpose of this audience.”Experts emphasized, and Mr. Le Pen mentions victimization “heart failure” It prevents him from leaving his house.

Mr. The trial that Le Pen had to escape targeted her daughter, the Marine, who was summoned to appear along with twenty-six other people and RN.

The defendants are being prosecuted for implementing the European Union (EU) system of paying MEPs’ aides who worked for the party during this period. Marine Le Pen, who has always denied the allegations, has been targeted for embezzlement and complicity in public funds. Other defendants include the mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, a former member of the Reconquet! Nicholas Bay, re-elected to the European Parliament, and RN spokesperson Julian O’Toole.

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In total, eleven people elected to the European Parliament from the National Front list, twelve others who were their parliamentary assistants and four party collaborators are to be investigated.

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