Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the assembly following the RN’s historic achievement.

Several Left leaders have called for a “rally” in view of the assembly elections

Leaders of Left parties called their camp on Sunday “the crowd” After the sudden dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron, the Nubs must prepare for legislative elections in June, despite the disagreements that led to their defeat.

One after the other, Fabian Roussel, head of the French Communist Party, Olivier Faure, head of the Socialist Party, and Marie Toussaint, head of the list of ecologists in the European elections, respectively launched the calls. “Treaty for France”has “Controversies” or a “Effective crowd” The National Rally faced the threat of representation.

“This evening the balance of power has been established” Among the left-wing parties after the European elections, however, Olivier Fauré warned, his candidate Raphael Kluksmann came top of the left-wing lists. So the socialist vice called “Everyone should think about the best conditions for a meeting that allows us to have a plan that allows us to be heard by the French”.

“Let’s see each other quickly and work together on a deal for France on social policies, wages, purchasing power, wealth distribution.” At the table, Fabian Roussel asked.

“We are going to campaign to go to Matignon, govern the country and make sure that we finally provide answers to the great difficulties that the French are facing”Manuel Bombard, National Coordinator of La France Insomies, promised. “Don’t go too soon.”, however, he responded when asked specifically about Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s campaign to go to Matignon. Mr. Bombard further condemned “Great Responsibility” of “Raphael Glucksman and the Socialist Party”, WHO “They turned their backs on the noobs”.

LFI deputy Francois Ruffin, aware of the difficulty of building a left-wing crowd in a hurry under these conditions, was conciliatory. “Today, it means building a team to face the worst possible situation for our country. He explained. I appeal to the leaders of the Left parties so that we can unite now and stop the nonsense. Enough of belittling each other, enough of tearing each other down. »

“We have a coalition of leftists and ecologists that exists today, and I believe that if it knows how to unite itself, it is capable of leading this battle.” In the assembly elections, ecologist Marie Toussaint ruled for her part, whose list came in just above the 5% threshold.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, president of the LFI, made the call during an emergency meeting in Paris. “Unity of the People”. “Everyone is capable of choosing a plan that allows people to unite”he added.

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