The Palestinian Authority enjoys broad support in the UN for a referendum on identity

This time, the Arab states decided not to suspend the Security Council’s negative decision on full Palestinian membership in the UN: they pushed the international community to reconsider it. “advantageously” A copy of it, Friday May 10, the US blocked this request with a veto three weeks ago.

On Friday, May 10, 143 of the 193 member states of the United Nations granted the Palestinians new rights as observer members, meeting the criteria required to join the organization. Nine countries, including the United States and Israel, voted against and twenty-five countries abstained.

Resolution “Establishes that the State of Palestine shall be permitted [déposer sa candidature d’adhésion] To Member Status » And “The Security Council recommends a favorable reconsideration of the matter”. This resolution “will have a significant impact on the future of the Palestinian people”, In spite of itself, it is “Not doing justice to the State of Palestine” An observer explained the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed Abu Shahab, who introduced the speech on behalf of the Arab countries.

The original version planned to grant voting rights to Palestinians who have held observer status since 2012. But the proposal was seen by many diplomats as an option to circumvent the UN Charter, which requires only the Security Council to approve the admission of new members. It was therefore dropped to garner a large number of supporters and send a strong political message to the Council. However, eleven new rights have been granted to Palestinians, but they are essentially of a normative nature. The Palestinian Authority welcomed “Majority” Collected and “International Consensus”.

“We want peace, we want to be free”Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour insisted. “An affirmative vote does not go against any state. It is an investment in peace. »

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UN by Israeli Ambassador Schroeder

The speech, confirming a clear paradigm shift from a similar demand from the Palestinians in 2011, drew the ire of the Israeli ambassador. “Shame on you!”, Israeli ambassador Gilad Erdan shouted at the assembly “Destroying Vote” United Nations Charter – The latter may become a member of any “peaceful state” organization. “As long as many of you hate Jews, you don’t care if the Palestinians are not peaceful.”Mr. Erden continued, before making an impression with a copy of the charter through Shredder.

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