Ahead of May 1, Alexander de Crewe attacks the “mad plans” of other parties.

Prime Minister Alexandre de Groove attacked the “crazy plans” of other parties, including his majority partners, during his speech ahead of May 1. “Everyone knows that we are a true party of working people“, he told the Flemish liberals gathered in Blankenberge.

Is PS's proposal for a work week reduced to 32 hours? “200,000 jobs when searching for candidates!“Entrepreneurs and SMEs will be affected by such a move,” exclaims the Prime Minister.And the Greens also think we should work less. They want to lend time without motivation so that people can discover the world a little. Who will pay? Taxpayer“, he alleges.

The N-VA has been attacked over its proposal to build a prison in Kosovo for prisoners without residency permits. “An idea taken from Denmark that has already cost 210 million euros without a single prisoner ever going to Kosovo.“.

CD&V is not spared either, accused of wanting to overtax “savings” through the wealth register.

OpenVLD presents itself as a serious party that has done its homework. “We are the only party presenting a development plan with costing and clear guidance. We await the figures of others. But they are busy giving cross-interviews and projecting alliances“.

The Flemish liberals have already put the idea of ​​an income gap of at least 500 euros between the working and non-working at the heart of their campaign. An idea “has meanwhile been picked up by other parties,” De Crewe assures. So the Liberals go further: The Prime Minister reiterated that the difference should also be felt in pensions. “It is unfair that unemployed people sometimes get more pensions than always employed people.“.

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