War in Ukraine: Special court to try Russian figures takes shape

European Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said a special court to try senior Russian officials would be set up by the end of the year. The Netherlands is ready to welcome this jurisdiction.


As the Russian military continues its airstrikes on Ukraine — which killed six people in the country's second city, Kharkiv, between Friday and Saturday night — plans to set up a special court to try senior Russian officials have become apparent.

In an interview with Deutsche Welle, European Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders said the special court could be created by the end of the year. According to him, “Two main options are being considered: an international court based on a multilateral agreement or a simple settlement based on a bilateral agreement between Ukraine and the Council of Europe”.

The court will be created to try Russian President Vladimir Putin and other senior Russian political/military officials.

In addition, a transfer mechanism will be created to transfer cases from Ukrainian courts to this new court. The Netherlands has announced its willingness to host this jurisdiction in addition to the already operational International Center for Crimes of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA).

On Friday, several Russian missiles hit residential areas in the southeastern city of Zaporizhia. At least four people were killed and 20 injured, including children, as well as journalists visiting the site. It is reported that Russian forces again used the “repeated strikes” tactic. Rescue teams began to intervene.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly called for the strengthening of the air defense systems of the Allies. On Friday, he inspected land defenses during a visit to Chernihiv region. A new massive Russian offensive is pending, Ukraine erects fortified lines On the border with Russia.

See also  War in Ukraine: Zelensky arrives at the White House, welcomed by Biden

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