According to his team, the funeral home is refusing to take the body

“This is a real shame. Savaran drivers are now refusing to take Alexei,” the group of the Russian protester, who died in mid-February, condemned.



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Flowers are placed around a portrait of Alexei Navalny at a makeshift memorial in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany on February 29, 2024.  (AFP)

The group of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, who died in his prison in the Arctic on February 16, confirmed on Thursday, February 29 that it had refused to take his remains to a church in Moscow where his funeral was scheduled for Friday. “It's a real shame. The hearse drivers are now refusing to take Alexey.”Ivan Zhdanov, one of the closest collaborators of the dead enemy, lamented in Telegram.

“First, we were not allowed to hire a funeral home to say goodbye to Alexey. Now, when the funeral is about to take place in the church, we are told that the funeral procession 'will not take the body there.', confirmed his group on social networks. According to him, the funeral teams “There have been calls from unknown people not to take Alexey's body anywhere”.

Looking for a place for a “public farewell”.

The funeral of the opposition and anti-corruption activist is scheduled for Friday at 2 p.m. at a church in southeast Moscow. He will be buried two hours later at Borisovo Cemetery, not far from where he lived when he was free. Since the body of Alexei Navalny was handed over to his mother, the team of opponents who died at the age of 47 have been searching for a place. “General Farewell”But I saw myself “let go” Any request. He accused officials of putting pressure on managers.

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On Thursday, his team called on Muscovites to attend his enemy's funeral and for his supporters in other cities and abroad to gather to honor his memory. The meetings could be embarrassing for Russian officials two weeks before the presidential election, which should see Vladimir Putin re-elected unopposed. According to the specialized NGO OVD-Info, nearly 400 people were arrested in the days following the enemy's death for publicly honoring his memory.

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