“Barbie” John Cena wanted to do the movie, but his agency said it was “beneath him.”

John Cena knows how to wrestle. He put this skill to good use when he decided to take on a role in it Barbie Despite his agency saying the mermaid role was “beneath him.”

Cena appeared on SiriusXM The Howard Stern Show On Wednesday, he was plunged into conflict. Cena said it was Margot Robbie who helped bring him on board in the end.

But his agency thought differently about that part.

“I don't put them past them. They just follow what they know,” Sena said. “And what they know is that this entity, this commodity, gravitates toward these things, and we must stay on this path. But I am not a commodity. I am a human being, and I work under The principle that every opportunity is an opportunity. And I read the script and tried my best to be in the movie, but we were filming fast fiveFilming next door. And then when she finally connected with people who could make the decisions, Margot said, “We'll make you a mermaid.” You will stay in it for half a day. for sure.”

Cena was fine with his agency's stance.

“But I think the point of view from the agency's point of view was, 'That's below you,' which I understand. But also to the agency's credit, they acted promptly…but all they can do is provide their guidance. They don't ultimately make the decision; And their guidance is: “Hey, really, the trickle-down economics of this might get you out of these leading slots.” And I get all of that. I've always operated under the philosophy of good business gives you another chance.

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Cena didn't point fingers, but last May he signed with William Morris Endeavor after spending 18 years with ICM Partners. He is currently promoting his new movie Ricky Stanickiwhich will be released on March 7 on Prime Video.

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