In the news: Should the Israeli army attack Rafah?

Benjamin Netanyahu intends to continue his deadly offensive in the Palestinian territory, which was carried out in the Rafah district, by freeing two Israeli hostages during the night from Sunday to Monday. This is what we see liberation In Paris: ” 134 Israelis are still being held in the Gaza Strip – 29 of whom are believed to be dead – the Israeli prime minister confirmed at the weekend asking the army. “ready” Attack on Rafa. gold, The paper underlines, An escalation of the war in this area would result in very heavy civilian casualties. (…) The scene of escalating fighting in this densely populated region is causing great concern within the international community, including close allies of the Jewish state. »

Actually, questions Haaretz In Tel Aviv, If the Israeli army occupies Rafah, what will happen to the more than one and a half million Palestinians who are sheltering there? (…) You have to imagine what awaits the Palestinians in Rafah if the IDF plan is implemented. Israeli newspaper saysNot so much for humanitarian and moral considerations, which may not be very relevant to the majority of the Israeli-Jewish public after October 7, but because of the military, humanitarian and – ultimately – legal and political implications we can certainly expect. Follow this path “.

Israel must do what is necessary »

No, he retaliates The Jerusalem Post,” There are still 134 hostages in Gaza. We will not stop until every one of them is returned to us. On October 7, Hamas unleashed hell, thanks to years of foreign support. It received support from international organizations and exploited United Nations agencies. Hamas has long committed crimes against humanity, and its attempt to cling to power in its last stronghold, Rafah, is obvious and must be thwarted. (…) It is necessary, concludes JERUSALEM POST: The IDF must continue its operation to find other hostages and expel Hamas from the area. “.

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Die weld Berlin has the same order. ” Why should Israel capture Rafah too? »: This is the headline of a German newspaper editorial. ” After October 7, the largest massacre of Jewish civilians since the Holocaust, Israel has every right to defend itself, and a duty to its own citizens to finally eliminate the terrorist threat on its own borders. asserts Die weld. It was Hamas, not Israel, that militarized schools, mosques and hospitals and dug mines in entire neighborhoods. It is the terror organization's fault that so much damage has been done in the necessary war against terrorism, as Hamas uses its own population and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as protective shields.(…) So Israel must do what is necessary to release the hostages. Ends in German newspaper, and eliminate the threat of terrorism. That includes the capture of Rafa. »

New Hamas battalions

The Israeli attack on Rafah was a fatal mistakeAnswers times London. For Netanyahu, this may be the path to outright victory, but it will prolong the conflict and create a new generation of Hamas fighters. »Actually, mentions timesThe number of 17,000 orphans in Gaza must be taken into account: ” With no hope for peace in the Middle East, these orphans will one day form new battalions of Hamas. » and the paper ends: “ The future of the Middle East depends on the fate of Rafa. »

Also, it feels that the argument of hostage rescue is not justified Guardian. ” The Israeli army has rescued only three hostages in more than four months of fighting, while more than 100 have been freed in talks with Hamas. »

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Now, the British newspaper notes, international pressure is growing stronger toward Benjamin Netanyahu. Especially American pressure. As stated therein Guardian Quoting the NBC television channel, Joe Biden, at the end of his patience, repeatedly described the Israeli prime minister as ” Donkey “.

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