US: Deal on immigration and aid for Ukraine… but House “speaker” dampens Joe Biden's hopes

It provides $20.2 billion for reforms to immigration policy, but above all, there are strict restrictions on the system to process asylum applications with brakes when the number exceeds 5,000 people a week.

The speech was quickly endorsed by the White House tenant, who highlighted decades of efforts to reform the country's “failed” immigration system while advocating a more humane approach than his predecessor, Donald Trump. At the US-Mexico border.

“We reached a bipartisan deal on national security that includes the strongest and fairest immigration reforms in decades. I strongly support it,” said Mr. Biden responded in a press release. It “should be brought to my desk so I can announce it immediately,” he added.

“Doing nothing is not an option”

To pass, the envelope must be approved in the Senate, where it theoretically needs the support of elected officials from both parties, and then in the House of Representatives. This is where things get complicated.

Its leader, “Speaker” Mike Johnson, is a loyal supporter of Donald Trump, Mr. He dampened Biden's hopes. “This legislation is worse than we expected and far from ending the disaster at the border created by the president,” he responded at X, vowing that the text would be “dead on arrival” if passed. House.

His future opponent in the November presidential election, Mr. Despite Trump's call, Joe Biden urged Republicans who control the House of Representatives to support the bipartisan deal.

“If you believe, as I do, that we must secure the border now, doing nothing is not an option,” he said.

The United States, Ukraine's primary military backer, has struggled for months to verify the envelope.

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Two years into a messy war — and more than $110 billion already released by Congress — Republicans, in particular, are beginning to see the bill as too steep.

Aware that the sense of urgency in Washington has faded since the war began in 2022, President Biden asked Congress in October to link his request for aid to Ukraine with Israel, America's closest ally in the war against Hamas.

He also wanted to include drastic reform of America's immigration policy, a politically hot topic, especially in the midst of an election year.

To pass, the envelope must be approved in the Senate, where it theoretically needs the support of elected officials from both parties, and then in the House of Representatives. This is where things get complicated.

“A Unique Opportunity”

Since the start of the conflict, the Kremlin has seen a decline in Western aid, and any reluctance by Kyiv's allies reinforces Russia's confidence that its bet will win.

At the end of December, the US released the last part of its military aid to Ukraine

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to close our open border and provide future administrations with the effective tools they need to end border chaos and protect our nation,” Oklahoma Senator James Lankford agreed in a statement.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called the bill “an enormous step forward in strengthening America's national security abroad and at our borders.”

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