10 years of Euromaidan protests in Ukraine: ‘We knew we were heading for war’

Ukraine is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the start of the “Euromaidan” movement, where Ukrainians chose Europe over Russia.

Ten years ago, the most important chapter in Ukrainian history was written. On November 21, 2013, Ukrainians protested against their pro-Russian president in power, and expressed their desire for Europe, democracy and freedom. After all, they expressed their desire to free themselves from the Russian yoke, at which point President Viktor Yanukovych bowed to Russian pressure and abandoned the deal. Joined the European UnionIn favor of an agreement with Moscow.

Three months later, at the cost of blood, they managed to oust the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych.

Our correspondent Maureen Mercier discovers one of the symbols of this revolution.
Katerina was 26 years old at that time. European flag in hand, he was one of the first demonstrators against the government’s decision to refuse to sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union under Russian pressure. He describes it as an unforgettable period of his life. “I attended every demonstration I could“.

Government chooses force. Demonstrators were rounded up, beaten, chased down the street, arrested, and reported missing only to be found days later. Katerina says: “A friend of mine was killed in the square. When I look back, it was truly apocalyptic“.

After three months of protests and more than 80 deaths, Pres Viktor Yanukovych escape A victory for pro-European Ukraine. But at what cost. At that moment, Katerina failed to celebrate. She knows that Russia will not allow Ukraine to break free. “We know we’re headed for war. Russia will never allow Ukraine.

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Six days later, Russia annexed Crimea. In the process, Donbass was burned. Eight years later, in February of last year, Russia launched an all-out war. Today, Katerina’s partner is a soldier on the front lines.

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