Man anonymously sends money to townspeople to help pay their energy bills, ‘had a stack of cards, walking around’

This is laughable information. Anonymously, a man roams the streets of Chatham, Kent, England, leaving letters for residents. It contains money, a £5 note to be precise, to help them pay their energy bills.


“There was a card in the letterbox last night, I went to pick it up and it was blank on the front. I thought it was strange. I opened it and there was this little message inside and it blew me away,” a local resident explains to the Mirror.

Not believing her eyes, Maxine contacted one of her neighbors. “My friend saw him walk through her door and he had some cards and he was going around and putting them all in the letterbox. She had never seen it before because we live in this small community where everyone knows everyone else and if someone else comes near, everyone notices.

The generous donor appears to be a young man in his late twenties or early thirties. As of now, his identity is still unknown to the townspeople.

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