On Monday, November 7, Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, known as the king of trolls on his own social network, seems to have had a harder time in this regard.
It managed to ‘troll’ a 20-year-old young French “twitos” and an American multi-billionaire with over 550,000 subscribers. “Proportion,” as it’s colloquially called, is apparently not supported by Elon Musk, who deleted his own tweet.
The story lasts exactly 38 minutes. It all starts with a tweet from Elon Musk, who asks his followers: “What do you call someone who is a master at provocation?”
Arguineir replied: “I don’t know but call this ratio”. In Twitter parlance, the term “share” refers to a message responding to and receiving more likes than the original post.
Knowing that Elon Musk has 115 million subscribers on the social network, it seemed impossible to beat him “in proportion”… until Monday, November 7.
Arkunir’s comment was highly appreciated by the bluebird community, and within minutes, his comment received more “likes” than Elon Musk’s post.
Was Tesla’s boss jealous of this win over him? However, he retracted his tweet after 38 minutes, while Argunir’s tweet counted 72,800 likes against Elon Musk’s 72,700.
Elon Musk deleting one of his tweets may have the consequences the 20-year-old Frenchman intended with his joke.
The young man drew comparisons between Elon Musk and himself. “The richest man on the planet had the nerve of a 20-year-old unemployed person on Twitter to delete a tweet, so what’s happening is extraordinary,” he tweeted.
The richest man on the planet had the nerves of a 20-year-old unemployed man on Twitter and deleted a tweet, so what’s going on there is extraordinary.
— Arkunir (@Arkunir) November 7, 2022
Afraid of being banned from the social network, Argunir later tweeted: “If I ever jump, know that I love you, at least we guys will have a good laugh”.
“Total coffee junkie. Tv ninja. Unapologetic problem solver. Beer expert.”