War in Ukraine: Britain says Russia is demolishing bridges and laying mines as it pulls out of Kherson

Russia suffered another major setback in its offensive on Ukraine on Wednesday, announcing the withdrawal of its forces from Kherson in southern Ukraine, which was targeted by a counteroffensive by the Kyiv military.

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Russian troops may have destroyed several bridges and laid mines on the way out of the city of Kherson in order to slow the advance of Ukrainian soldiers. This is what the British Ministry of Defense wrote in its daily intelligence bulletin on Thursday.

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Since March, Kherson has been occupied by the Russian army, making the city the only regional capital captured during the war in Ukraine. According to them, Russia announced on Wednesday that it was withdrawing its forces because it was no longer possible to supply the city. According to the British, Russian supply lines are under pressure from Ukrainian attacks.


The British ministry expects the retreat of the Russian army to last several days. It takes up defensive positions and conducts attacks to protect retreating troops.

So far, Ukraine has reacted with skepticism to the announcement of the withdrawal of Russian soldiers. President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that this could be a strategic move. “The enemy does not give us gifts or gestures of goodwill,” he warned in his daily message to the Ukrainian people on Wednesday.

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