Terminator Survivors has been announced for PS5, and is a single-player or co-op survival game

An open-world survival game set in finisher The universe is revealed to be Terminator Survivors. It's coming to PS5, and you can play the game either solo or co-op with friends. The game takes place four years after the events of Doomsday You also “emerge from an asylum to try to re-establish some semblance of community in a world that seems intent on eliminating you and the last remnants of humanity.” You can watch the trailer above.

Your initial mission will be to establish a base of operations, which is done by “scouring the surrounding land for materials, information, other survivors and key resources.” However, what makes doing so more difficult is that there are also Terminators patrolling the wasteland. Through the game, you'll learn more about the unspeakable events of Judgment Day, meet famous characters, and grow a base that you and up to three of your friends can call home.

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