Rooms with a View: Astronauts have design ideas for new space stations

The astronauts say wrap-around windows and smart design should be key features of the next generation…

The world’s oldest known star map was found hidden in a medieval manuscript

More than 2,100 years ago, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus mapped the stars – and for a…

Webb’s new photos illuminate the formation of a galactic crowd

Zoom / Separating the different wavelengths of light allows us to track the movement of materials…

Study suggests that ‘brain water’ circulation may mean our brains use quantum arithmetic: ScienceAlert

In the ongoing work to realize full potential Quantitative StatisticsScientists can try looking at our brains…

Fossil teeth 439 million years old are upending long-standing views on evolution

Volumetric reconstruction of a dental prosthesis in view of its lingual aspect (total pattern of Qianodus…

NASA’s Webb Telescope captures the sharpest ‘pillars of creation’ image ever

The NASA observatory most interested in the eagle has done it again. The James Webb Space…

Why is NASA trying to crash Earth on Mars?

Illustration of SHIELD, a Mars landing concept that would allow low-cost missions to reach the surface…

The world’s oldest known star map was found hidden in a medieval manuscript

More than 2,100 years ago, the Greek astronomer Hipparchus mapped stars – and for a long…

NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity arrives at an interesting salty location after a treacherous journey

After a treacherous journey, NASA’s Curiosity Mars probe has reached an area believed to have formed…

The study says that the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs also caused a global tsunami

The asteroid that ended the era of the dinosaurs sixty-six million years ago was also created.”huge…