The Mars probe detected something strange during a dust storm

NASA/JPL/Michael Benson via Getty The European Space Agency has just spotted some Earth-like clouds more than…

Wormholes may already have been discovered, say physicists: ScienceAlert

Virtual bridges connecting distant regions of space (and time) can more or less look like a…

Watch a solar snake glide across the surface of the sun – at 380,000 miles per hour

Credit: ESA &[{” attribute=””>NASA/Solar Orbiter/EUI Team; Acknowledgment: Frédéric Auchère, IAS Solar Orbiter has detected a ‘tube’…

The first cube to fly and operate on the moon has successfully arrived

Zoom / The CAPSTONE payload is seen here, on top of an Electron rocket in New…

Scientists reveal the secret of the eternal youth of a strange animal

Cross-section through tentacles of a transgenic sea anemone showing differentiation outgrowths of SoxC cell clusters (purple)…

Scientists make plans to intercept an interstellar object: ScienceAlert

We finally have the technology to detect interstellar objects. We’ve discovered two in the past few…

NASA scientists offer a theory about why we’ll never meet another intelligent life. It’s crush.

NASA Scholars explained in new paper Why do they think it’s possible that we haven’t encountered…

This month’s Leonid Meteor shower could cause a shooting star to explode

swarm of Fireballs from the Taurid meteor shower November has already made a fiery month of…

SpaceX Falcon 9 Intelsat G-31 / G-32 rocket launch

event details payload blog SpaceX Falcon 9 Intelsat G-31 / G-32 November 12,…

NASA Hubble captures a breathtaking image of an intergalactic bridge

Between black holes devouring young stars and the empty spaces surrounding crowded and exploding nebulae, the…