A huge meteorite hid two minerals never seen before on Earth

A giant meteorite discovered in Somalia turned out to be full of surprises. The Al-Ali meteorite…

Two minerals – never seen before on Earth – were discovered in a huge meteorite

A slice of the El Ali meteorite, now in the University of Alberta’s Meteorite Collection, contains…

SpaceX is preparing to launch the world’s first private lunar lander: ScienceAlert

SpaceX is set to launch its first private — and Japanese — private lander on Wednesday…

NASA scientists make black hole jets with a supercomputer

These images show the diversity of black hole jets. Left: NGC 1068, one of the nearest…

NASA predicts that rising sea levels could inundate the US coast by 2050

A NASA study has revealed that sea levels are likely rising faster than previously thought, which…

What is the best design for a splash-free urinal? Physics has the answer now

Zoom in / Can you determine the optimal angled urinal design to minimize splashing? It’s one…

Two minerals never before seen on Earth have been found inside a 17-ton meteorite

Two minerals never before seen on Earth have been discovered inside a huge meteorite in Somalia.…

Discover the Universe for Less: The Celestron 114AZ telescope is now at half the price

Get the perfect beginner’s telescope at half the price at this Black Friday / Cyber ​​Monday…

Complete Einstein’s Theories – A Breakthrough in Particle Physics

More than a century after it first appeared, scientists have completed Einstein’s homework on special relativity…

Science books wrong? 525-million-year-old fossil defies common explanation for brain evolution

An artist’s impression of a 525-million-year-old cardediction lineage on the shallow coastal sea floor, emerging from…