How John Glenn’s $40 camera forced NASA to rethink space missions

We’re about to take a trip back in the early 1960s and find out how a…

5 planets and a crescent moon are about to line up in the night sky. Here’s how to watch.

Starting this week, you can watch five planets in the evening sky as the crescent moon…

SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink 5-5 rocket launch

Event details payload blog SpaceX Falcon 9 Starlink 5-5 March 24, 2023 11:33…

5 planets will align on March 27th and you won’t want to miss it

On March 27, a planetary show consisting of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Uranus will walk…

Artificial intelligence could be the best chance we have for discovering life on Mars. Here’s why. : ScienceAlert

It’s good that we talk a lot about finding traces of life on Mars, but we…

Scientists have finally detected neutrinos in the particle collider: ScienceAlert

Finally, the ghost is already in the machine: For the first time, scientists have created neutrinos…

New VLT data reveals more about the effects of a DART-versus-asteroid collision – Ars Technica

Zoom in / Artist’s illustration shows a cloud of debris being ejected after NASA’s DART spacecraft…

Moonwalkers to get new suits

Cape Canaveral, Fla. — Astronauts walking on the moon will have sleeker, more flexible spacesuits that…

‘never seen anything like it’

lifestyle by Andrew Court March 20, 2023 | 6:43 p.m A ‘solar tornado’ measuring 14 times…

200-foot asteroid 2023 DZ2 to pass near the Moon

asteroid 2023 DZD 2 It will safely pass Earth about half the distance between Earth and…