Brookhaven National Laboratory appoints its first female director

Brookhaven National Laboratory officials on Monday named Joan Hewitt, a theoretical physicist known for her studies…

Uncover hidden galaxy secrets

Researchers from SISSA have determined the key characteristics of a mysterious, distant celestial body using the…

The “Hubble problem” could deepen with the new measurement of the expansion of the universe

Image of Cepheid variable star RS Puppis. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team…

20 times faster – slabs of ice can collapse much faster than previously thought

Landsat 8 image depicting the ice shelf in the highly dynamic SCAR Inlet, the Antarctic Peninsula,…

The Webb Telescope captures a stunning image of the planet Uranus

(CNN) The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a stunning new image of ice giant Uranus,…

The James Webb Space Telescope is observing the cosmic seahorse through gravitational lensing

Gravitational lensing magnifies the distant Seahorse cosmic galaxy in a James Webb Space Telescope image released…

NASA warns of a runaway black hole: an invisible monster

lifestyle by Brock Steinberg April 7, 2023 | 9:45 a.m The “invisible beast” is at the…

Biologists are discovering how to counteract the effects of a high-fat diet

UC Irvine biologists discovered that by eliminating the SAPS3 component of the AMPK protein complex, mice…

A hidden world beneath our feet

Seismic waves from earthquakes in the Southern Hemisphere sample ULVZ structure along Earth’s CMB and are…

There is only one week left until the launch of the first Jupiter probe in Europe

After arriving at the final assembly building on April 1, 2023, the European Space Agency’s Jupiter…