The Jupiter-bound ESA probe hits the antenna snag

While the few minutes it takes for the spacecraft’s booster rocket to claw its way out…

Astronomers have discovered a “scary Barbie” supermassive black hole tearing apart a massive star in a “terrifying” spaghetti event

Astronomers have discovered something very impressive Giant black hole She devours a star – and they…

The Emirati Mars Probe takes an epic picture of the Mars moon

Deimos, the smallest of Mars’ two moons, may be more like Mars than we realize. New…

Physicists have set a new record with the heaviest Schrödinger’s cat yet: ScienceAlert

A tiny oscillating crystal weighing little more than a grain of sand has become the heaviest…

Scientists are exploring new options for farming on Mars

An artist’s conception of a mobile Mars greenhouse is currently being developed at NASA. The space…

Why does a magnet have a north and south pole?

Cutting a magnetic bar in half will not strip off its poles. It will only produce…

Physicists discover a strange new theoretical stage for hydrogen: ScienceAlert

By teaching a machine to learn some quantum tricks, physicists have discovered a strange new phase…

Back then, baby galaxies. Next, a supermassive galaxy cluster?

Like basketball explorers spotting a lithe, tall teenager, astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope recently…

Monkeys love to run around, and you might be surprised why

Researchers in the UK have discovered that, just like children with plenty of sugar and free…

NASA reveals the secret behind ultraluminous X-ray sources

In this illustration of an extremely bright X-ray source, two rivers of hot gas are being…