The invisible mathematics that controls the world

Albert Luszel Barabassi: We live in a very special moment because anything we do is marked…

Ease of producing graphene using a laser engraving machine

Graphene is not easy to produce on a large scale. But making small batches of graphene…

SpaceX has launched the OneWeb Gen 2 technology demonstration tool

Tampa, Fla. — SpaceX launched a technology demonstration satellite for OneWeb’s second-generation broadband constellation on May…

SpaceX launches 21 OneWeb and Iridium satellites, lands rockets in stunning video

A SpaceX rocket soared through the California morning sky to deliver two small fleets of satellites…

400 million years of cached fossils reveal early life

A small piece of fossil Rhine’s plant with fossil fungi colonizing the limbs, seen through a…

The huge spiders common in the southeastern United States have a surprising survival feature

The guru spider, despite its rapid spread and large size, is not aggressive but is incredibly…

Long-necked dinosaur fossil found by Argentine scientists is one of the largest dinosaur fossils ever

Argentine paleontologists have discovered the remains of a huge new type of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur in…

The story of human evolution has been rewritten with new data and more computing power

Modern people have evolved throughout Africa, and not from one place, finds a new study that…

These tiny jumping spiders walk like ants to avoid predators – Ars Technica

Siler collingwoodi An ant march to avoid predators. ” width=”800″ height=”531″ class=”amp-wp-enforced-sizes” decoding=”async”/> Zoom in /…

A space rock is worth $25,000 if you can find it on Earth

The space rock that landed in Maine is worth $25,000 to anyone who can find it.…