Challenging the Basic Laws of Biology – Scientists discover realistic illusions

International researchers are studying the crazy yellow ant, or Anoplolepis gracilipesIt was found that male ants…

Newly discovered dinosaur Iani may be the species’ “last gasp” on a changing planet

Artist reconstruction Ianni Smithy. This recently discovered early ornithopod dinosaur may represent the species’ last stand…

The weakest galaxy in the early universe

Projected image of galaxy JD1 (inset), which lies behind a bright cluster galaxy called Abell2744. Credit:…

A new James Webb Space Telescope image shows 45,000 galaxies in unprecedented detail

The James Webb Space Telescope revealed 45,000 galaxies in this image, hundreds of them never seen…

A dino he recently discovered in Utah is described by a North Carolina researcher, Ianni Smithy

CNN About 100 million years ago in what is now the state of Utah, a 10-foot-long…

A flash of light brighter than a trillion stars shoots through the supermassive black hole

Artist’s illustration of OJ287 as a black hole binary system. The secondary black hole of 150…

I happen to have a telescope pointing at the brightest supernova ever spotted – Ars Technica

Zoom in / Artist’s conception of a gamma ray burst. Supernovae are some of the most…

Scientists extract a kilometer of rock from Earth’s mantle in a record-breaking mission

For the first time, scientists have drilled into an underwater mountain to collect a record-breaking piece…

Scientists discover the “lost world” in a billion-year-old Australian rock | Science and technology news

The study says the discovery of the microscopic creatures could be the “oldest remains” of a…

Dying stars build giant “cocoons” that shake the fabric of space-time

Since the first direct detection of space-time ripples known as gravitational waves was announced in 2016,…