A mind-boggling study of a black hole revealed that time moved five times slower in the early universe

Astronomers have looked back at the dawn of the universe to note that time passed five…

A Harvard professor thinks he’s found bits of alien technology

CAMBRIDGE — A Harvard University professor believes he may have found fragments of alien technology from…

Groundbreaking study shakes up established views on mountain formation

Contrary to traditional belief of crustal wrinkling and densification, a new study suggests that mountain formation,…

What will the next footprints on the moon look like?

One option that NASA engineers considered was to add “active heating” elements to the shoes to…

Scientists may have located the mysterious Planet X

Posted by Britta Devore | updated 3 hours ago If you’re still reeling from the trauma…

The rendering of the universe from Quasar “Clocks” was 5 times slower after the Big Bang

In a groundbreaking study, scientists used quasars as cosmic clocks to observe the early universe traveling…

Mars Helicopter Creativity Home Phones, Breaking Silence for 63 Days

The Ingenuity Mars helicopter’s two-month silent stretch has ended. cleverness She communicated with her therapists on…

What was the last common ancestor of humans and apes like?

The closest living relatives of man are apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and gibbons. We…

The last European Ariane 5 rocket to reach the launch pad for the final countdown – Spaceflight Now

The last Ariane 5 rocket to reach the launch pad for the latest satellite delivery mission.…

Discovery of the low-energy ‘breaking point’ of exotic quark-gluon plasma formation

by US Department of Energy July 2, 2023 Estimated phase diagram of nuclear matter. The new…