Police officers removed their uniforms to show their refusal to crack down on the demonstrators

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Video – Three people were killed and 44 injured in protests against Maduro’s re-election.

The anger of Nicolás Maduro’s enemies has not subsided. The controversial re-election of Venezuela’s president on Sunday, tainted by serious suspicions of irregularities, has sent many citizens into the streets. According to two NGOs, the crackdown on the demonstrations has so far left four people dead and dozens injured. Hundreds more were arrested.

If the military has reaffirmed its support for the Chavista regime, the authority of the central authority seems to be cracking in some places. Locked glass doors separate the crowd from law enforcement in a video shot and broadcast by a protester.

In this video posted by Eduardo Menoni, a Venezuelan living in the United States and host of the YouTube channel LibertadMedia, a tearful police officer first removes his uniform, followed by his colleagues. The gesture of solidarity and defiance with the demonstrators was immediately greeted by cheers from the crowd, “Libertad! Libertad!”

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