People close to Julian Assange are worried about the now-free WikiLeaks founder’s health.

After five years in prison in the United Kingdom, Julian Assange has pleaded guilty in US justice to regain his freedom.



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Julian Assange in London (United Kingdom), 2017.  (JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP)

Julian Assange is free. Unexpected news on this matter. The 52-year-old Australian, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been accused by the United States of threatening national security by publishing information about military operations carried out by Washington.

He spent five years in prison in the United Kingdom before flying out on Monday, June 24. He is expected to appear in court in the US Pacific territory of the Mariana Islands. Julian Assange pleaded guilty before a US court to regain his freedom. His relatives immediately released him and expressed their relief.

“thank you thank you thank you” : The first words of Julian Assange’s partner first went on the social network and then Stella Assange spoke to the BBC from Australia, where she lives.

“It’s a whirlwind of emotions. Honestly, it’s unbelievable. I feel like it’s not real. It’s been so long since I’ve gotten used to talking about Free Julian, now.”

Stella Assange

At franceinfo

Keeping Julian healthy is a priority. “He’s in bad shape.”, she added. A concern shared by his father, John Lipton:I imagine spending fifteen years in prison or some other form is tough and difficult. Fifteen years in the prime of life… But it seems Julian may be free to return to Australia. Julian can live a normal life with his family and wife Stella.”

The WikiLeaks founder’s mother, for her part, expressed happiness in a press release that her ordeal is coming to an end. And to thank the invisible people who worked to free his son.

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