Lucy Ledby, the British nurse convicted of killing seven children, is being tried in a new case

Lucy Ledby, a British nurse sentenced to life in prison in August 2023 for killing seven newborn babies, returned to court Wednesday for trying to kill another girl at the hospital where she worked.

Lucy Ledby, 34, was accused of trying to kill the premature baby, referred to in court as “Baby K”, in February 2016 at the Countess of Chester Hospital in north-west England. said Nick Johnson, a former nurse. “Caught in the act” By a pediatrician when moving a newborn’s trachea.

In August, the 34-year-old nurse was convicted of killing seven premature babies and six counts of attempted murder at the hospital where she worked in 2015 and 2016.
She has no chance to appeal the verdict, British courts ruled at the end of May.

However, at the end of the first trial, the jury did not reach a verdict on the other six attempted murders he was charged with. So this new procedure related to one of them “Baby K” lasts two to three weeks.
Lucy Ledby, who sat in the dock on Wednesday, denies trying to kill the child. “It is important to emphasize that previous allegations do not substantiate this allegation.”His attorney, Ben Myers, argued.

The prosecutor, for his part, called on the jury not to forget the nurse’s previous convictions when rendering their verdict.
Lucy Ledby, who proclaimed her innocence throughout the ten-month trial, was sentenced to life in prison without parole, a rare punishment in English law.

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What are the motivations?

The young woman, whose motivations are still unclear, worked in the intensive care unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital in northwest England.

Between June 2015 and June 2016, Lucy Ledby administered intravenous air to premature babies, using their nasogastric tubes to pass air or excess milk into their stomachs.

After the parents of the newborns had left, the nurse attacked when the nurse in charge was away or was alone at night. Later he sometimes joined joint efforts to save these children and even helped desperate parents.

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