Live Riots in New Caledonia: Restless night in Dambia, Nouméa-Tontouta evacuation operation continues, a new Security Council convenes

Although the night was relatively quiet in Noumea, the situation remained tense in some parts of the city on Pentecost Monday. There were still more fires, especially in Dumbia. Some residents feel forgotten, daily life is still complicated, but solidarity is getting stronger. The permit operation continues between Nouméa and Tontouta.

  • Sunday night was relatively quiet in Nouméa, but there were still fires in Dumbéa.
  • The operation to remove barriers on RT1 continues this Whit Monday between Nouméa and La Tontouta
  • A new Security Council is being convened by the President for us the next night in Paris
  • In Paris, a forum signed by 22 elected officials, including Senator Robert Sovi, called for the repeal of the voter disenrollment law.

long live

long live

New Caledonia, and particularly Noumea and Greater Noumea, has been the scene of violent clashes and looting for a week. Follow the situation live

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    As a reminder, in Païta, the town hall offers residents a call number every day from 9 am to 2 pm: 75 00 82. A number designed for residents who want to receive information about access, materials or awareness. However, for serious emergency situations, the town hall specifies that you should dial 17 for police and 18 for firefighters.

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    This Monday morning in Auteuil, the situation is still not stable. Rioters re-established roadblocks.

    Credit: Coralie Cochin / NC La 1ère

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    Be careful, we are reporting more debris on the roads in Dambia, traffic is very difficult with roadblocks in some sectors in Dambia. On the other hand, it runs on the Yahoué route between Auteuil and Pont-des-Français.

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    Emmanuel Macron convened the new Defense and National Security Council on Monday at 6:30 p.m. Paris time to “monitor the situation in New Caledonia.” The announcement, made by the Elysée this Monday morning, was reported by our colleagues from AFP.

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    Hello everyone! Welcome to this new live stream. We will follow together throughout the day the evolution of the situation on this Pentecost Monday.

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