In Spain, Vox divorced from the traditional franchise and “decided it was useless”.

So Vox chooses to part ways. The “Extremism” When it comes to immigration, Spain’s far-right party was exemplified by its leader Santiago Abasco on July 11. The conservative newspaper declares El Mundo, The Basque leader announced that his party was severing its government contracts with the ruling People’s Party (PP, traditional right) in Spain’s five autonomous regions.

there “immediate cause” This breakdown of the current migration crisis in the Canaries, a major gateway for illegal immigration into Europe, Comprehensive La Vanguardia. The centrist newspaper explains that the PP has agreed to submit to a distribution plan among the autonomous Spanish regions among the 400 or so destitute migrants stranded on the archipelago, appalled by the situation. An unthinkable move for Vox and its boss, who was undoubtedly the victim “Testosterone Increase”, Blames the most conservative newspaper The Reason, By repeating the words of the regional vice president of the party.

Still, “What the PP has done is adopt a posture consistent with its status as a state party and its core values

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