How Viktor Orbán uses disinformation to maintain his power


Video Length: 7 min

Hungary: How Viktor Orbán is using disinformation to maintain his power
A week before the European elections, the “Truth or Lie” group traveled to Hungary, the lands of Viktor Orbán, where his party, Fidesz, was the favorite in the elections.

A week before the European elections, the “Truth or Lie” group traveled to Hungary, the lands of Viktor Orbán, where his party, Fidesz, was the favorite in the elections.

Located 45 kilometers from Budapest, the village developed by Viktor Orbán benefits from a 4,500-seat football stadium and several infrastructures funded by grants from the European Union. But some residents see it as an institution that takes more from them than it gives. The European Parliament tried to freeze part of the funding for Hungary, the second net beneficiary after Poland. Campaign posters for Viktor Orbán’s party, Fidesz, depict protesters as Ursula van der Leyen’s butlers. They give gifts to the president of the European Commission: immigration, gender issues and war. From a party standpoint, rejection of transgender people is well-coordinated. According to one activist, the EU is fueling the conflict in Ukraine.

Since taking office in 2010, the prime minister has also brought public television into line: the opposition is not there. In social networks, Megaphone group influencers are responsible for spreading the word of the government. A strategy that is currently paying off: Fidesz is far ahead in opinion polls ahead of the European elections.

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