“Great attraction”, “emigration project”: what draws young French to the right?

France is holding legislative elections this week. The National Rally is still the favorite in the polls. Yesterday, Marion Maréchal, who has become close to his aunt Marine Le Pen’s party, was at a rally in the Hauts-de-France region. A presence that attracted many youngsters. Our team on site tried to find out why.

In the Aisne department, the National Rally won 50.6% of the vote in the European elections.

The newly elected, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen is invited. Tonight, he is expected to be a superstar. At 34, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen represents the youth of the far-right movement. Like Jordan Bartella. The image of the latter convinces young enthusiasts.

What emerges is indeed a lot of charm“, says a young activist.”He has a very attractive charisma. Who seems to be already more honest than the other candidates. He has a realistic plan compared to others.

A successful reception

The meeting has just begun. Flags were distributed. Our reporter Benjamin Chamin tries to ask Marion Marechal-Le Pen a question about youth.

The reception, however, was successful. The RN welcomes the arrival of Marion Maréchal-Le Pen in the union of the right and its young supporters. But what attracts young people to his program? “I believe today’s youth are highly mobilized for one simple reason. Because they are often the first victims of the government’s choices.“, explains the future MEP.”They are the first victims of mass unemployment. They are the first victims of insecurity. Ultimately they were the first victims of the decline in public services. They are the first victims of the collapse of school and university levels. So, all these concerns, they accumulate in a particularly strong way.

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What attracts young people?

What do young activists really think about this? What themes appeal to them?

Consumption, reduction of VAT” said a young man.”It is even more important because, even on our scale, we see it and experience it. For you, in Belgium, for us, quite simply. And then, the plan on immigration, because, even in the campaign, unfortunately, we endure that.

For young people, everything, security, purchasing power, I think it’s important, right?“, represents a young activist.”This is the biggest aspect of his plan. And immigration, obviously, because we agree to accept a million people. But after a while, if we don’t already have the means, we have to learn to manage.

Security of purchasing power, security, necessarily immigration“, says another

Immigration, again and again, this old favorite of the old National Front, now somewhat demonized by media executives, is much softer than Jean-Marie Le Pen. “You know Jordan Bardella, you see his calmness,” says National Rally candidate Philippe Torre. “He is far from alone, we are all together, we are going to act for France.”

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More than ever, the National Rally seems to be at the gates of power.

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