Photos of an angry child went viral: here’s the backstory

He plays

The only thing cuter than a baby is a baby who makes silly faces.

Cincinnati-based photographer Lauren Carson probably knows a thing or two about that, considering she’s been taking professional photos of newborns for a decade. One of the baby photos Carson took recently It went viralThis caught the attention of thousands of people who flocked to her Facebook page to check out the angry child for themselves.

“I have been photographing newborns for a decade and have photographed hundreds of babies who have given me so many wonderful expressions. But nothing, and I mean nothing, can compare to the looks this beautiful man threw my way,” Carson said. books.

The post has received more than 150,000 reactions and nearly 20,000 comments since it was first published on May 15. Many took to the comments to mock the child or make jokes about his somewhat serious expression.

“This isn’t his first life. He’s like, ‘Seriously?’ You’re back again?” Megan Genevieve wrote.

“It depicts what many of us feel.”

The response Carson received in the past week has been overwhelming, fielding supportive messages in the comments section and phone calls from parents interested in photographing their children, he told USA TODAY on Wednesday.

“It was great reading the comments. They’re funny. People love the expressions. I think the baby kind of captures what a lot of us are feeling right now. So, it’s been a lot of fun,” Carson said. .

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Carson says the child’s mother quickly caught her attention from the post, describing it as “very relieved.”

“She thinks it’s a lot of fun, too. It’s been fun chatting with her. As the numbers keep going up and seeing what people are saying,” Carson said.

A typical photo shoot, regardless of the expressions

While the newborn’s expressions may seem a little unusual, Carson says it was like any other session. This baby was wide awake when he arrived at the Sharonville studio, which meant a swaddle session would precede the photo shoot.

Newborns are usually “so happy” when they are swaddled because they are all nice and cozy wrapped up in their little blankets, according to Carson.

“So, we covered him and were going to take some pictures when he just started making all these faces. His mom and I were absolutely cracking up and laughing because of the intensity of his looks as well as the eye contact,” Carson said.

It didn’t take long for the little one to get tired because newborns don’t typically maintain “extended eye contact.”

Carson said they were able to get some classic photos of the newborn after he fell asleep.

Capturing children’s personality and quirks is fun

Carson knew the photos would be popular because they were cute, but she didn’t expect them to be this popular. She said the best part about taking photos of newborns like this is knowing that “these little people” are going to grow up and become who they are going to be.

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“There’s so much potential in this little guy, so seeing the little quirks of the character and being able to appreciate them is so much fun,” Carson said.

As Carson’s children, ages 9, 12 and 15, continue to grow, she finds herself appreciating younger children more and more.

“We’re so far from that in our house where we have little ones to hold and a toddler who’s full of attitude which is so much appreciated now that I’ve been through that side of parenting,” Carson said. “I also know how quickly these stages go by, and being able to capture those moments for my clients is very important to me.”

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