Putinism: A podcast to listen to online

Thomas Legrand understands the various forces that define, determine, and characterize the ideological, political, social, and economic structure of Vladimir Putin's Russia.

A series that questions that A function of this conceptual spectrum And the real support of the Russian people Vladimir Putin. Our French minds, historically shaped by the discussion of ideas, must make a certain critical effort to try to establish themselves in the imagination of the Russian people, who have never known open democracy. Thomas Legrand It is trying to better understand this curious phenomenon of the support of the Russian people and the apathy of their leader that makes Russian patriotism stand above all other logics.

Apolitical Russian social culture

We first wonder what drives it Imagination of the Russians How Russian society reflects the system and the man it depends on. Is it support from the heart, from the mind, from reason, from political belief, from ignorance, from indifference, from conformity, from duty, from habit? Let's see that it's a bit of everything at once, and that majority support for the Putinist leadership is conceived by a generally passive relationship with political affairs. Russians do not know what democracy is, which prevents a certain sense of criticism towards Vladimir Putin's authoritarian political culture.

First, an electoral process in Russia is not a process of popular expression as we imagine a democratic referendum in France. A culture of political pluralism does not exist in the Russian social space, and democratic debate is unthinkable in the Russian imagination, which nullifies any real opposition and favors an absolute rally based on social conformity.. We will see that the majority of Russians have learned to consider that their living conditions do not depend on political decisions. Many of the exclusionary logics that directly serve Vladimir Putin's ideological interests make democratic life or opposition impossible. An organization that does everything to make Russian citizens feel that Vladimir Putin is irreplaceable.

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An authoritarian pragmatism based on the coalition of opposites

Let us see how Putinism is a paradoxical pragmatism. Stalinism has Extreme orthodoxy. A pragmatism that relies on political oxymoron to garner as much support as possible. A means by which the Russian president elevates the cult of an imagined past and assimilates it into a renaissance, while exacting revenge on liberal, democratic Western society. Nazi ideology. Even here, Russia itself paradoxically adheres to policies of economic liberalization. This alliance of enemies is at the heart of the Putinist system.

The Terror of Putinism in France

Putinism also rises A uniquely French obsession We wonder with what mysteries Putin fascinates a part of our country's political and intellectual class. How to explain Russophilia among a certain segment of French-speaking Westerners who are attracted to Russian soft power? How do we understand this complacency?

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