Even after a nuclear war, I don't discount it, Barack Obama says in Paris that Earth will be more habitable than Mars.

“Even after a nuclear war, I don't discount it, Earth will be more habitable than Mars! Even if we do nothing about climate change, it will still have oxygen, and as we know, Mars doesn't”, he explained. , in front of an audience gathered in the amphitheater of the CNIT of Paris-La Defense, especially renewable energy experts.

Jürgen Ingels, the Flemish investor who brought Barack Obama to Belgium

“I want us to invest in taking care of this planet here. The reason we go into space is not because we're going to discover it, know it, create a better environment there. We're designed for this place and for it. It's better if we protect it so it's livable,” he said. He said.

For an hour on stage, the former head of state, interviewed by a journalist, spoke at the White House on climate, environmental change (industry standards, 2008 and support for renewable energies amid the crisis -2009), protecting natural areas…

However, he did not mention Donald Trump, who in 2017 pulled his country out of the Paris climate accord signed by Obama two years earlier. “The facts speak for themselves,” he said simply.

Barack Obama launched the Power Earth Summit this evening, which was organized by two renewable energy entrepreneurs and brought together French players on Thursday and Friday.

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