Belgian military Airbus unable to drop humanitarian aid in Gaza today: Here's the reason given by security

Belga learned from a military source that the Airbus A400M military transport plane sent to Jordan to deliver humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip did not carry out any of these “airdrops” on Wednesday. According to our information provided by Defense, B-Fast does not have the required authorizations from Israel.

This Tuesday's defense explained to us that the Belgium team was ready from the morning. However, there was no green light from Israel, so the delay in Operation “Cerulean Skies” meant to help the people of Gaza, which after five months had been severely affected by death and starvation, did not drop. War between the IDF and the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

Israel's “go” may be given today. This is the condition for B-Fast to operate while Israel engages in its military operations in Gaza.

On Monday afternoon the plane left Melsbroke Military Airport for Zarqa Airport, northeast of the Jordanian capital of Amman, to deploy the remaining equipment and crew – about forty people – required for its operation before making a round trip on Tuesday.

Political and military leaders hoped to make the first drop “as early as (this) Wednesday” on Gaza's beaches. The pace of the planned missions will depend on overflight authorizations granted by Israel to an international coalition in which Jordan plays a key role.

It's not easy, it's a very difficult, expensive operation, and it's dangerous.“, explained on Wednesday morning the Minister of Development Cooperation, Caroline Gennes (Vouruit), as a guest of La Premier's morning program on RTBF-Radio.

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The most important thing is that we are symbolically signaling to the people of Gaza that the international community, and Belgium in particular, is behind them.“, she added.

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