Is Trump's re-election a danger to Europe? “This Trump should be more feared than Trump's first term”

The Biden-Trump feud will resurface during the next US elections. Is Joe Biden, re-elected in Democratic-majority states, still up for the job? “He was no longer good enough. He is targeting his usual voters, the outspoken upper middle class. But young people are increasingly losing interest in elections and the Democratic Party. He doesn't have Trump's influence.

Super-Tuesday turned out to be a super bonus for Donald Trump

On the other political side, Trump seems unstoppable. Could concerns about justice prevent a Republican from becoming president? “I don't think so. He scapegoats the trials he faces. Besides, the judges have reason to fear a revival-based Trump election.

Super Tuesday: Biden and Trump Head for a New Showdown

The favorite in the current polls is what we should expect in Europe from the re-election of the Republican candidate. “We should be more afraid of this Trump than he was of his first term. During his first presidency, he was still surrounded by people who managed to block the absolutely insane initiatives he wanted to take. Today he is better prepared. What he calls “Agenda 20-25” is a cocktail of protectionism, isolationism with a big obsession with China. This frenzy represents a growing rapprochement with Russia and, therefore, fears from the United States about the war in Ukraine. “

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