A snub coupled with a rejection

By boycotting the referendum this Friday, March 1st, Iranians have caused a new grief for the Islamic Republic's authorities. Just 25 million Iranians out of a total of 61 million voters have renewed the parliament and an important clerical body. This participation rate is the lowest in the entire history of this regime, which was established in 1979. It has exceeded 40%. However, it sees a victory over calls for electoral boycotts and protest votes, which have threatened the electoral legitimacy of this theocracy. A democratic facade with requirements. But by such logic victory is assured… No, almost a year and a half after the death of student Mahza Amini and a long protest movement that was bloodily suppressed, most Iranians find themselves in denial of their absence. A rejection of this regime that ignores and controls them so much. The snub was accompanied by a disclaimer.

However, the Iranian authorities tried to stimulate participation, especially the 15,200 candidates (or 52 for each of the 290 seats in the Islamic Assembly) ticket! Even with the last-minute extension of voting by two hours, the 2024 legislative elections ended the 2020 record (42.5%), following large popular movements demanding better living conditions and greater freedoms already achieved. The tendency to denial is confirmed and emphasized.

Iran, a gateway power.

But President Ibrahim Raisi's ultra-conservatives now firmly hold the reins. After the disappointment of the Rouhani years aimed at economic progress, the Islamic Republic is trying to break its international isolation. 'She. Or a technological nation on the brink of a nuclear bomb that sells missiles to Russia for its war in Ukraine. An Islamic force that inspires troops and incites outbreaks in the Middle East. As an oppressive power, bearing the brunt of an alternative world order, the EU – and the West in general – would be wise not to look away.

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