Alexei Navalny's death: Three days later, Russia still refuses access to his body to his mother and his lawyers

His family has yet to access the remains of his opponent, who died on Friday.

the mother ofAlexei Navalny And his lawyers tried to enter the mortuary this Monday morning Salegard Inside Siberia West, the politician's body would have been carried.

“Early in the morning (February 19, editor's note), Alexey's mother and his lawyers came to the morgue. They didn't show up. No Summer Allowed to enter. l'One of his lawyers Really was Forced out. When asked if Alexey's body was there, the staff did not respond.Kira Yarmish, Navalny's press secretary, was quoted as saying by Independent Russian Media Medusa.

The inquiry commission would have given assurances to the mother and the opposing counsel Vladimir Putin The investigation into the circumstances of the politician's death continued.

“Cause of death not yet 'established'”

But she didn't say “How much longer will this last? Cause of death No Not installed yet'”Kira condemns Yarmish on social network X. “They lie, get time, don't hide”.

The investigation team informed the mother and lawyers that the investigation into Navalny's death has been extended. They didn't say how long it would take. The cause of death is still “unknown.”

They lie, buy time for themselves and don't even hide it.

— Kira Yarmysh (@Kira_Yarmysh) February 19, 2024

On February 16, Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service announced that Alexei Navalny had died in a colony in the village of Karp in the Yamalo-Nenets district of Siberia.

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The next day his mother went to the settlement but was told that her son's body was in the Salekhard Mortuary. But the establishment was closed and Alexei Navalny's mother and lawyers were told by phone that the body was not there.

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