Tom Brady Nutrition, Clothing Brands Merge With Noble

Tom Brady will become Nobull's second shareholder.

Courtesy: Nobel

Seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady is merging his health and nutrition company, TB12, and his apparel company, Brady, with training brand Nobull.

As part of the deal, Brady will become Nobull's second shareholder, behind BodyArmor founder Mike Repole, who bought the company last year.

Terms of the deal were not provided.

Nobull was founded in 2015 by former Reebok executives Marcus Wilson and Michael Schaefer. The Boston-based company employs about 100 people in the United States, the United Kingdom and China, and sells its sneakers and apparel primarily online.

Under the merger, the company will continue to operate under the Nobull brand name and aims to become a full-fledged wellness company.

“I wanted to do something really big,” Ripoll said of the deal with Brady. “I think Nobull has an opportunity here to be this epic, historic brand — playing in the health and wellness space, through sneakers and apparel and a nutrition mindset and really helping people with adversity and resilience and grit.”

Tom Brady is merging TB12 and the Brady brand with training company Nobull.

Courtesy: Nobel

Ripoll, who made his fortune turning beverage brands into household names, bought a majority stake in Noble in July. His track record includes selling BodyArmor to Coca-Cola for $5.6 billion in 2021, as well as creating the Vitaminwater and Smartwater brands, which he also sold to Coca-Cola in 2007.

He aims to take Nobull, a $250 million brand, and turn it into a billion-dollar powerhouse. He said Brady can help him get there.

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“I think the piece that really resonates for me is our mindset and how we want to inspire others through action and through challenging them to be the best they can be for themselves,” Brady told CNBC.

The deal will include footwear, apparel and nutrition products previously existing under the TB12 and Brady brands.

Brady used to be Under the armor– Certified athlete and has a clothing and shoe deal with the company. This deal has since expired.

For Brady, who says he is “happily retired” and is looking forward to the next Super Bowl, the deal provides a way to ensure the continued influence of his brand and loyal fan base.

“I thought it was the best opportunity for myself and the brands I was a part of to make a difference,” Brady said.

Ripoll said he began talking to Brady nearly two years ago and immediately found common ground, despite their distinguished backgrounds and successes.

“We've found that even though we approach things a little differently, we get to the same place and have the same core values,” he said. “Winning with others is important. Having success with others, making ourselves better versions of ourselves, pushing our teammates, challenging our teammates to be better is very important to us.”

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