Emile’s Disappearance: Privileged Criminal Thesis and the Large Family, Very Catholic, Accused of Being a Sect, “He Couldn’t Leave Without a Third Party”

Four days of grueling excavations, and… Brucoils. Alive, alone, lost in nature, Emile cannot be found again. Veil, he was only two and a half years old. Digne-les-Bains prosecutor Rémy Avon said the second phase of the investigation was now open. It contains an analysis of “substantial data” collected so far.

For Jacques Morel, General of the Gendarmerie and former head of the Versailles Research Unit, “Current investigations based on the disturbing disappearance will now move towards a more criminal track“, he said into BFMTV’s microphone. “We have to agree that he cannot leave this area without the help, complicity or coercion of a third party.

New phase in the investigation into the disappearance of little Emile: “We have to accept that he could not leave on his own”

According to Vernet’s mayor François Paulique, “They were preparing for an action. Grandparents charge a toll in the car to get to this activity. When they wanted to take Emile, fifteen minutes after waking him from his sleep, they noticed that he was not there..

So far, 30 houses in the hamlet have been raided, 25 residents questioned, vehicles searched and a total of 97 hectares of fields, forests or steep lands cleared. 1500 calls received on dedicated phone line.

Family members, including the mother, were auditioned. 30 people have already been investigated in this case. Many uncles and aunts had attended a large family reunion when the grandparents disappeared, but the mother did not attend.

Emile goes missing in Vernet: fake pots are made to find the child

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Shadow Zone: Residents of Vernet’s hamlet claim to have seen Emily on the streets shortly before she disappeared. They don’t react: it seems normal for children to frolic in the street in this small village.

The mayor of the village mentioned another route, which is visible in this region:

Animal Path” and more specifically “abduction by a bird”. First, a werewolf attack is also mentioned.

Today, the village is closed, and Mayor François Palic has extended the closure of the village until the end of the week. Thus he willsProtect families and deter curious tourists”.

It’s scary, but don’t look at it as an absurd curse”, he advanced, considering the evolution of the ambient climate.

A staunch Catholic, Emil’s family is at the center of suspicion amid accusations of sectarianism. However, the evidence contradicts this assumption.

Emile’s demise: “Present characterizations can no longer promote hope”

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