Germany: Climate activist Greta Thunberg is escorted by police in Lutzerath

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg He was arrested by police in Lutserath on Sunday during a protest against coal mine expansion in Germany, according to German daily Bild.

She was pulled from the protest by two police officers, but was not seen in handcuffs. Greta Thunberg was among the many protesters who took to the site on Saturday. She returned on Sunday and was one of the last protesters to be evicted from the venue. Police said on Sunday they were almost done evicting climate activists from a German village ordered to be razed to expand a coal mine, with both sides blaming violence. In an operation that began on Wednesday, hundreds of law enforcement officers cleared about 300 militants from the West German village of Lutserath. The evacuation was initially expected to last for weeks, but police said on Sunday that only two of them were staying underground in the village.

The site, which has become a symbol of opposition to fossil fuels, drew thousands of protesters on Saturday, including Greta Thunberg. The organizers of the movement claimed that 35,000 people had gathered there, while the police estimated their number at 15,000. These protested against the extension of an open-pit lignite mine and thus against the disappearance of Lutzerath in the Rhine basin between Düsseldorf and Cologne, and in support of the militia occupying the place.

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